The European Pride and the Euro Fig Leaf.

Saying that the cause of our present economic crisis is Euro and it would be better not to have it is like saying that cars must not be produced because they might be used in robberies.

Euro is a currency like many others. It was jointly created by a group of nations, each one with its own political, military and fiscal identity, very different from each other and this is its specific feature, its novelty. Therefore, it is now used imperfectly and can surely be improved. 

The problem does not lie in Euro itself, but in the way it is used.

The fifty states that together form the United States of America have a single currency and this does not cause them the same problems we are having. Of course, they are one Nation while Europe isn’t.  On the other hand, employing the force of the Old Continent to overcome European fragmentation would make sense.  This would allow counterbalancing economic, political and military giants such as the US, China, Russia, Japan, India, Brazil…

The real issue is that this Union of European Peoples should be based on Spirituality and on the Values of Consciousness.  This would allow joining our Qualities and our Force to build this Union.

The US national motto is the sentence “E pluribus unum”, meaning “Out of many, one”.   When defining the importance of the Unity to achieve force, the thirteen English founding colonies chose a Latin expression, thus of European and specifically Roman origin. It’s worth thinking about this…

Making it a little bit easier, let’s imagine how it would be an Europe able to merge Italian creativity, German organisation, French secularity, British essentiality for rules,  legacy of Greek culture (cradle of philosophy) and of Roman culture (cradle of science of Law), the concepts of Italian Renaissance, French Enlightenment, German Romantics, English Magna Charta, English and French Revolution, Italian Risorgimento and not to mention contribution of all literatures, arts, musical genius of the Old Continent…. Should all this be governed by Spiritual Values, what could we do? Which purposes could we achieve?  If so, the Single European Currency would only be what it should be: an economic instrument used, among others, by a community to govern and achieve its well-being, first of all based on the spiritual, moral and cultural union of a group of extraordinary peoples which are different, but have been neighbouring for hundreds of years.

Big players like US and Russia do not surely like European potential and for this reason disaggregating forces have been working for a long time. Most probably they are of transnational origin (some of the Ur Lodges mentioned by Gioele Magaldi in his book “Massoni” (Masons), specifically those of counter-initiatory and neo-reactionary imprint).

We may also leave Euro, we are not obliged to defend it at all costs.  If we are not able to manage the monetary tool we created or should this mechanism have been created (and it could definitively be) only as an instrument of economic and social control, then we can abrogate it and come back to the previous situation. However, this might not be enough.  The real source of problems is not in fact the single currency as such, but the absence of Consciousness and Spiritual Values when it is used. Same as the car used in robberies instead of holidays, work or shopping.

Presently we have only one Central Bank in Euro Area: in one fell swoop who controls ECB is consequently controlling the whole Euro Area, now composed by 19 out of the 27 member states of the European Union.  But even though we still had 19 different currencies it would be sufficient (and not impossible, based on the experience so far) to control 19 central bankers, instead of one only, and force them to accept the same restrictive and neoliberal rules imposed to ECB President, to put the Countries under the same outcomes we are living today.

It’s worth recalling what stated in Ventotene’s Manifest, written in 1941 during World War II by three Italians (a coincidence?): Altiero Spinelli, Ernesto Rossi, Eugenio Coloni, inspired by a book written 20 years before by Luigi Einaudi (the forth Italian!). This text is considered to be the inspiration of the European unitary principles and is a mine of knowledge, analysis and Values.

The three authors write “modern society established its foundations on the principle of freedom, according to which man must not be a mere instrument of others, but an autonomous centre of life”.

The above led to three achievements: 1) the right of nations to organize themselves in independent states, sources of social progress, surpassing local rivalries in favour of mutual solidarity against the oppression of foreign rulers; 2) the right of citizens to take part in shaping the will of the state; 3) the importance of critical sensibility (to which major achievements in all fields are due) against authoritarian dogmatism.

These three models have been questioned by the dictatorships of the Twenties and Thirties that resulted in the war.  The Nation was no more considered as the positive result of human co-existence.  The State, before protecting citizens’ freedom, now turned into a ruler and citizens into subjects.

Conservative forces felt threatened by progressive forces and by innovation. Heads of national institutions, top executives of armed forces, groups of monopoly capitalism, landlords and upper church’s hierarchies implemented a strong reaction against the progress of peoples, trying to exclude the possibility for them to enjoy the fruits of modern culture.

According to the above mentioned three authors, the conquered spiritual freedom did not resist the crisis that provoked the birth of totalitarian states; audaciously and without concerns, the new dogma entered all consciousness taking advantage of rivalries, egoism and stupidity.

For this reason, Spinelli, Rossi and Colorni found a possible solution to these local and collective problems in the federal reorganization of Europe based on the republican constitutions of all member states.  The same had occurred in the past in Italy and Germany, for example, where the small states joined together and formed bigger national entities, thus converting existing problems in debates among the different provinces of one country.

According to the three authors, conservative forces exploit the patriotic sentiment of popular masses using the only political experience they have, that of “nation”, thus shrinking their vision to one possibility only.

I would add that one of our weak points, as Europeans, is that we do not sufficiently value the memory of our knowledge (literary and scientific, juridical and philosophical, economic and sociological, artistic and moral) … while unconsciously we keep strongly active the memory of the wars we have lived. We no more fight each other with armies (except the civil conflict in Yugoslavia)  but with the stupid and limiting common economic regulations we have given us, instead of giving us other common regulations designed to achieve development and progress.

After World War II, both the European economy and society were able to recover also thanks to theories and measures of openness and aid: Keynes theories, the Marshall Plan, the creation of the Single European Market that encouraged circulation of goods, services, people and capitals.  Gradually the historical memories of war have then emerged crushing the spirit of reconstruction, renaissance, growth and well-being.  And thus we have unconsciously betrayed the ideals of Ventotene’s Manifest .

So what?

Euro is neither good nor bad, it’s only a tool and it’s up to us to decide how to use it. Let’s stop using it as the fig-leaf of our moral inability, of our passivity and failure in our spiritual evolution.

Even supposing it was created by counter-initiated and reactionary masons, as spiritually more evolved people we might very well use it to produce well-being, stability, economic growth and social evolution.

Differently, we would be saying that Matter is stronger than Spirit and that we are not able to drive the car we built. Should that be the case, let’s then use another transportation mean, a caravan, tram, bicycle or push scooter. Actually WE are inadequate. We have the Knowledge and the Consciousness to use.  

Looking down from the Spiritual Values, Euro is slightly more than a toy in the hands of a child, namely Europe, that at best is not able to use it, and at worst built it to hurt himself. In fact, even though some economic élite actually want it as it is today in order to subjugate most of the population, sooner or later this will turn against them.

Treaties can be changed and even abolished, a legal construction like the European Monetary Union can be built all over again, same as a building, eventually integrating a fiscal, political (and even military) union…

The topic is not Euro, but the Spiritual Essence which is present (or absent) in those who are using it: we European citizens.

Zvetan Lilov
Blogger Rebis Group

Translation by Graziella Cella

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